Бледные уста, в небе звезда,
Тихо мерцает, исчезая навсегда.
Свет догорая, гаснет свеча,
Слышно шаги, от ног палача.
Голову клоня, к земле замирая,
С надеждой на существование рая.
Смиренно встречи жди с металлом,
Всплеск крови вверх, будет сигналом.
Взмах секиры, в крепких руках,
Тело окутал, животный страх.
Железо к коже прикоснулось,
Душа от вида ужаснулась.
Тихо голова скатилась,
Кровь из шеи вдаль пролилась.
Не моргая, не слезясь,
Взгляд пустой, со смертью смирясь.
Before me, the skater fell and fainted.
Everything smelled of gas, I forgot about the tile.
And she turned pale right away, that's how it is here.
The work is like this, another body.
The skater went through the city, broke her heel.
And smashed her skull against a concrete block, beautifully.
The work was like this again, an hour scraped away.
During the time the work was going on, another one fell.
Such fun, a punch to the jaw from the right.
Didn't calculate the flight, broke it up.
The picture that fell, seriously smiled.
The work is like this, even didn't scrape the corpse.
Here's a new game, she clenched her fist tightly.
The punch didn't go off, she looked into her own fist.
Suddenly it went off, and with it her head.
That's how it was in the Middle Ages, a swing, a club for the skull.